김정한 (Junghan Kim)



가족관계 등



Virginia Tech. 방문 연구원

성균관대학교 컴퓨터공학 박사 수료

성균관대학교 컴퓨터공학 석사

세종대학교 컴퓨터소프트웨어 학사



성균관대학교 분산컴퓨팅 연구실 연구원

NEMO-UX Inc. (Co-Founder)

BARI Team (Co-Founder)

Other stuff I do

  • I work a lot
  • I sleep a lot
  • I eat a lot

대학원: Student CV

[2023-08-14 Mon 14:41] Junghan Kim Dept. of Electronical and Computing Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University


An objective of joint research position to utilize my skills and abilities in analytical performance analysis and system design of emerging memory system where not only is my potentially ground-breaking research such as resource allocation optimization problem in data-center scale computing environments, but also is my research area further extended into the areas such as computer architecture and operating system.


LaboratoryDistributed Computing Laboratory,
Room 27315, 2nd Engineering Building, National Sciences Campus
2066, Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Contact+82-10-3007-6766junghan@skku.edu, gtgkjh@gmail.com

Employment History:

09/2015 - 08/2017Co-founderNEMO-UX Inc., Seoul, Korea
09/2012 - 08/2015Co-founderBARI Team, Suwon, Korea


03/2010 - PresentPh.D. StudentDept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Suwon, Korea
03/2008 - 02/2010M.SDept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Suwon, Korea
Advisor: Dr. Young Ik Eom\\
Thesis: Design and Implementation of Networking Virtualization for Cluster File Systems
03/2004 - 02/2008B.SDept. of Computer Software
Sejong University (SJU), Seoul, Korea


Emerging Memory, Storage and File system, Computer Architecture, Operating System

Honors and Awards

201022th Global Software Contest of Korea, Prime Minister’s Prize\\
“Mobile Virtualization Software”


Programming LanguagesC/C++, Python
DatabaseMYSQL, SQLite
Performance TestVarious benchmarks for databases and storages on Linux systems


  • Teaching Assistant
Fall 2009Operating System and Practice
Fall 2008C Programming and Practice

— References are available upon request —


International Journal

[J01]Software-based Single-node Multi-GPU Systems for Interactive Display Wall,
- Inhyeok Kim, Junghan Kim, Jonggyu Park, and Young Ik Eom.
- IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 101-108, 2017.

International Conference/Workshop

[C01]Software-based Single-node Multi-GPU Systems for Multiple Display Environments
- Junghan Kim, Inhyeok Kim, Taehyoung Kim and Young Ik Eom.
- ICCE 2016 (IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics), 2016.
[C02]NEMOSHELL Demo: Windowing System for Concurrent Applications on Multi-user Interactive Surfaces
- Junghan Kim, Inhyeok Kim, Taehyoung Kim and Young Ik Eom.
- ACM ITS 2014 (Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces), 2014.
[C03]Accelerating Virtual Machine Network via Para-virtualized Library and Exitless I/O
- Dongwoo Lee, Changwoo Min, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- IWCCA 2012 (The 1st International Workshop on Cloud Computing and Applications), 2012.
[C04]Towards Bare-metal Network Performance via Para-virtualized Socket Library and Exitless I/O
- Dongwoo Lee, Changwoo Min, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- OSDI 2012(11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation), Poster, 2012.
[C05]Accelerating Virtual Machine Storage I/O for Multicore Systems
- Dongwoo Lee, Changwoo Min, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- FAST 2012 (10th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies), Poster, 2012.
[C06]Strata: Wait-Free Synchronization with Efficient Memory Reclamation by Using Chronological Memory Allocation
- Eunhwan Shin, Inhyuk Kim, Junghan Kim, and Young Ik Eom.
- ICCSA 2011 (International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications), 2011.
[C07]MyUT: Design and Implementation of Efficient User-Level Thread Management for Improving Cache Utilization
- Inhyuk Kim, Eunhwan Shin, Junghan Kim, and Young Ik Eom.
- ICCSA 2011(International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications), 2011.
[C08]MyAV: An All-round Virtual Machine Monitor for Mobile Environments
- Inhyuk Kim, Eunhwan Shin, Junghan Kim, and Young Ik Eom.
- INDIN 2010 (International Conference on Industrial Informatics), 2010.
[C09]NOPFIT: File System Integrity Tool for Virtual Machine using Multi-byte NOP Injection
- Junghan Kim, Inhyuk Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- ICCSA 2010 (International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications), 2010.
[C10]Design and Implementation of Networking Virtualization for Cluster File Systems
- Junghan Kim, Inhyuk Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Young Ik Eom, Hong-Yeon Kim, Youngkyun Kim.
- ICCSA 2009 (International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications), 2009.

Domestic Journal

[J01]An NVM-based Efficient Write-Reduction Scheme for Block Device Driver Performance Improvement
- Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- Accepted, In-progress
[J02]Address Space Maintaining Scheme for Fast Program Execution in Linux-based Systems
- Seung Joon Noh, Dong Hyun Kang, Junghan Kim, Inhyeok Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Journal of KIISE, Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 786-791, 2015.
[J03]In-Kernel Device Virtualization Technology for Accelerating Virtual Devices
- Junghan Kim, Dongwoo Lee, Changwoo Min, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Journal of KIISE, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 110-114, 2013.
[J04]A Scheme on High-Performance Caching and High-Capacity File Transmission for Cloud Storage Optimization
- Tae-hun Kim, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Journal of KICIS, Vol. 37, No. 8, pp. 670-679, 2012.
[J05]Enhancing Interactivity in Mobile Operating Systems
- Sunwook Bae, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Journal of KIISE, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 533-537, 2012.
[J06]Enhancing Mobile Platform Security with Virtualization Technologies
- Junghan Kim, Jee-hong Kim, Eunhwan Shin, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Journal of KIISC, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 201-212, 2011.
[J07]Security-Enhanced Local Process Execution Scheme in Cloud Computing Environments
- Taehyoung Kim, Inhyuk Kim, Junghan Kim, Changwoo Min, Jee-hong Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Journal of KIISC, Vol. 20, No.5, pp. 69-79, 2010.

Domestic Conference/Workshop

[C01][Best Paper Award] A Scheme of Reducing Write Amplification based on Non-Volatile Memory for Optimizing Distributed Storage System
- Junghan Kim and Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2019.
[C02][Best Paper Award] Filesystem-aware Block Device Driver for Non-Volatile Memory Devices
- Junghan Kim and Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2019.
[C03]Analyses of File System Consistency Checker for F2FS File System
- Junghan Kim and Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2018.
[C04]GUI for Multi-user in the Large Touch Display Environment
- Taehyoung Kim, Inhyeok Kim, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2015.
[C05]Analyse of Application-level Display Synchronization Technic for Periodic Video Rendering
- Minkyeong Lee, Inhyeok Kim, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2015.
[C06]Address Space Maintaining Technique by Applying Zygote Technique for Fast Program Execution Based on Linux
- Seung Joon Noh, Junghan Kim, In Hyuk Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2015.
[C07]Research on Multithread-based Window Manager for Supporting Multiple Users and Services
- Inhyeok Kim, Junghan Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2014.
[C08]Research on the File Management based on the User Context for the General Purpose Tabletop Platform
- Junghan Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2014.
[C09]Nested Virtualization Scheme for the Secure Cloud Computing Environment
- Inhyeok Kim, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2013.
[C10]Design and Implementation of Multi Virtual Keyboards for the Large Multi Touch Display
- Junghan Kim, Inhyeok Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2013.
[C11][Best Presentation Award] In-Kernel Device Virtualization Framework for Accelerating Virtual Devices
- Junghan Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2012.
[C12]Scheduling of Reducing Cache Pollution with I/O Tasks in Multicore Environment
- Deukhyeon An, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) Conference Winter, 2011
[C13]TrackFS : Design and Implementation of File System Supporting Versioning
- Nosub Sung, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) Conference Winter, 2011.
[C14]Analysis of Bytecode Optimization Level for Dalvik Virtual Machine
- Minseok Lee, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) Conference Winter, 2011.
[C15]Operating System Support for Enhancing Interactivity in Mobile Systems
- Sunwook Bae, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) Conference Winter, 2011.
[C16]Light-weight Kernel Analyzer using Binary Translation
- Dongwoo Lee, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) Conference Winter, 2011.
[C17]Binary-level Dynamic Compiler for Driver Fault Isolation
- Dongwoo Lee, Junghan Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) Conference Summer, 2011.
[C18]Design and Implementation of Storage Networking Virtualization for Various High-Performance Networks
- Junghan Kim, Dong-Woo Lee, Young Ik Eom.
- In: Proceedings of the Korean Institute of communications and Information Sciences (KICIS), 2010.


  • Domestic Patent
- Junghan Kim, Inhyuk Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- Patent Filed No. 1019383620000, South Korea, Jan. 2019.
- Junghan Kim, Seung Joon Noh, Dong Hyun Kang, Inhyeok Kim, Young Ik Eom.
- Patent Filed No. 1018395030000, South Korea, March. 2018.
- Junghan Kim, Junghoon Kim, Dongwoo Lee, Young Ik Eom.
- Patent Filed No. 1013879860000, South Korea, April. 2014.
- Junghan Kim, Junghoon Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Eunhwan Shin, Young Ik Eom.
- Patent Filed No. 1012648950000, South Korea, May. 2013.
- Junghan Kim, Inhyuk Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Byoung hong Lim, Young Ik Eom.
- Patent Filed No. 1011823460000, South Korea, September. 2012.
- Junghan Kim, Inhyuk Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Byoung hong Lim, Young Ik Eom.
- Patent Filed No. 1010819070000, South Korea, November. 2011.
- Junghan Kim, Inhyuk Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Byoung hong Lim, Young Ik Eom.
- Patent Filed No. 1010779080000, South Korea, October. 2011.
- Junghan Kim, Inhyuk Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Jin Jo, Young Ik Eom.
- Patent Filed No. 1010779080000, South Korea, September. 2011.